Sufi Quotes

do u realize , i spent much on IG ,wechat , and facebook than this blog? 凸(¬‿¬)凸 . peace

Wednesday, 24 April 2013

Art work from fine art student

assalammualaikum ^_^
today i want share An art works from my friend,he take fine art course.

This art made by student Uitm lendu malacca.
if you interest of his one of his art,you can post it and i will give his number phone.The price you can know at him self. :)

Azman ZolQifly Art

i loved his Artworks,.............. ! >.<

Sunday, 14 April 2013

Masak ikan siakap


Its a nice day right? well yesterday i learn with my mother how to cook Masak ikan siakap
i think its not easy to do it,but easy for cook it. :)

i want share the recipe ,who knows there some people might want to try it. (>.<)

Masak Ikan Siakap
Bahan2 :

Ikan Siakap,Rempah Tomyam Putih,2 batang serai,6 helai daun limau purut,Air limau nipis,Bwang besar(bawang bangla/bawang kuning ),halia dan bawang putih

Cara-cara memasak:  
1.       Cuci  ikan Siakap dan bersihkan ikan siakap,letak ikan siakap diatas kuali besar 
2.       Tumis bawang putih(5 ulas) dan halia(satu inci).
3.       Potong bawang kuning nipis2 
4.       Ptong hiris daun limau purut 
5.       2 batang serai ditumbok2 
6.       Dari langkah 2-5 letak didalam kuali bersama ikan siakap 
7.       masukkan rempah tomyam dan masukkan perahan air limau nipis 
8.       masukkan 4 mangkuk air putih dan 
9.       gaul  kesemua bahan bersama ikan siakap 
10.   panaskan tggu sampai mendidih dan kacau 
11.   garam? Tak perlu la kott sebab lauk ni lauk masam :3


Tuesday, 9 April 2013

Hanging out with friends

this day is happy know what,today i hanging out with my friends.... it really best momment ever,we eat mcdonald,see horror movie,and dating... !

i never excpect that we will that enjoy that momment reallly....
well this a few our photos

feel hunger in tired,burst of heart,long time no see just make me want scream that time

muka dua2 xiklas nk senyum,but i good at making face

Keretapi tanah melayu(ap kna mngenanya?)

im like a monkey LOL

gedik posing hihih

The twins

decoration add at aeroplane model

im feel like a statue

Making peace

sweet couple hehe

Infront of kota a famosa

Sempoi nya

The view of the top in famosa malacca

this is Tengku Alia

Lets lunch !

On the top in famosa

Mcd burgers waititng for eated

Our sweet game memorie

The blue bear with guitar is mine,i called it ''N''
Its precious things,someone give me heheh

well,for the ending in our JALAN2 MAKAN ANGIN,its so sweet... :)
i hope we can go out again,so sad cause cant upload too much...
tataaa :D
(why so short this content?its better short than long)

baby 8 month

assalam :D

last week aq stay up kat rumah buddies aq,well im too lazy being stay in Dorm/collegue
bgun pagi je(standard student bangun masa xdekelas,pukul 11) my buddie take a little baby called Amy,well that little boy firsly we meet he really frozen freak look at me,and i had do so much things so he will laugh,but nope...he currently frozen freak... but that morning,he want me hug him and play with me,wow... i think he now has know me XD too much happy that time
well i get captured he video with me,but first sorry that video view okay

colour art


what i want share huh? hurm let see,we start with Art first okay

this is my second marker art but in colour,how u think about it?
it currently a little mess,hihih

 Marker at colour
 Marker art colour


Marker art colour


Marker art


Greek themes :light god

just simple but i not like the masters,well i just a low creative person which not fill in the artss.... and a dumb person,but i try it own my work even im not as good like you.. ^_^ infact,i dont mind if want me teach u,even i am a dumb person.... as long i live or get a high job,i should teach with others so they can be like me,and make our country reach up... hehe

ok thats for now,i think will be another post

Thursday, 4 April 2013

Assigment Art ( Marker art)

Assalammualaikum :) hehe hye hye... ada jugak sekarang masa trluang nak edit Blog2 ni hah.. sebelum itu nak bagi taw kbnyakkan post sy,sy dh buang dah,saja..xnk ingat dah bnda2 lepas... Start a ne life okayh..

I want share my Arts.. hope u alls happy to see it 
Medium : Layout paper and Yoken art marker (BLACK AND WHITE)

F-ONE car
(nampak tk perbezaan nya? haha i know im not a good,but i try)

Ikan buntal
(subjek dipilih kerana ia nya comel )

Beetle horns
(I love this,dibuat jugak even marker ink yg putih dah abis,sbgai ganti white marker,i use white pencil)

Marilyn monroe
(she is my favourite Arts,fell love in her when i studied art from Andy Warhol,pop arts)

Well thats alls art i have right now,when im not lazy,i will upload more my assigment that IN MY PHONE .. 

until then,see ya again

I love art