Sufi Quotes

do u realize , i spent much on IG ,wechat , and facebook than this blog? 凸(¬‿¬)凸 . peace

Tuesday, 24 February 2015

my heart

The exactly what i doing in my life ..
still fade,i still searching what will i become
i still cant look the light although i knew there light someway
but i too be careful
yes all people become the best through the failed that they have been get
i knew too...even i fail ...or fall..i will rise high as i can...
this life not easy as we can live
we have responsible,,relationship and god to take care of

what if i lost ?
what if all my way are wrong?
who will help me?
i know..right now in this moment..the path i not the right path..
this is not me...
why i take a risk?to be with something we never sure..either i dont know if i will like it or not

i wish i could dead by now..this heavy feeling is make me head is heartin one could can i love so much too human that never know this can i live with all human that never know my limit...?

are i being test?with the only one god that i believe until my last breath?dear allah...what the actually journey you give?what is the meaning of this life? yes i knew..this live in this world it just a moment....i just borrow from you....i know we should ask hidayah...iman...a life after..but what is we should chase?

Monday, 23 February 2015

kisah akhir semester 5

Menaip kembali 
Pengalaman bertambah haruslah diabadikan

banyak dugaan yang ditempuhi sepanjang menghabiskan project dibawah ni
yg penting..duit...duit..duitt is the main problem hahah

seperti yang diketahui,project aku ni melibatkan klient pes perencah
so dengan menggunakan kepala otak aku yang xberapa thorbaik ni dn dengan gabungan pensyarah kesayangan,so jadik lah..jeng jeng jeng

design base for corporate item

second base for commercial and displaying product

my favourite base that can make me think twice untuk terjun bangunan
ape ape pun...aku mampu sesimple simple lahhhhhh 

ini lah hasilnya. pikir senang ke? hak alah setakat design cenggitu? kepala lutut mu...
ko xrasa dgn keadaan dreject idea...tu klau dya xreject dya cuma suruh kembangkn lagi...tu dh cukup menderita dh...klau sedar diri otak kreatif tu limited sgt2 nk brputar2..haha

cerita dibawah adalah imbasan sebelum nya project final,alah biasalah.... pasti pergi jenjalan..alasan review tp sbnrnya release tension


bbrapa pic je dpt di tnjukkn...yg lain? huh....
location : ilham resort,port dickson

with my bff's

mabuk ketum kah aku/// hahah

DBwh  mrupakan aktiviti..uitm anjurkn kott..haha aku amnesia jap..
ni geng group aku ''maple ash''
brmaksud daun merah


aktiviti dlm hotel ?
entah la..aku cuma ingt makn..makn..mkn..mkn..n then selpie

yea peace hoho

ap lg nk taip ek..hehe
sedia maklum,aku dh kerja mcd full time dtambah lgi krja sambilan sbgai freelance designer..bapak aih aku rasa mcm..haha 
xpelah...alhamdulillah ~

28/2/2015..nk masok uitm blik..warghh degree uruskn apartment dulu
harap lpasni aku xgila hahahhahaahhahahahhaha

okay..sapa2 nk tgok gmbr aku pkai baju mcd...sila pergi ke link ni 

okay lah..sat lagi nk prgi dating tgok hnset baru , akhirnya ada yg boleh temankan

Monday, 2 February 2015

The long story ever

assalam !!!! bapak siak brhabuk blog aku...berapa bulan xsntuh..last update slepas promote iklan sndiri..tu pon saja nk edit blog design...

bukan malas nk taip...
tapi tu lah mmg mls nk taip..hahaha

oke2....skang ni aq dh abis diploma ,dh nak ke degree dh ni pun..nmpk x betapa lamanya aku xberinfo..xsmpat nk update2 design project lepas....

oke2 la....satu2 ae.... mula2 kita cter ap yg aku buat selepas habis tamat belajar part 5 ,
lepas tu kisah project lepas...

ad la jugak cari kerja, dpt tu mmg kalau dh bukan rezeki aku kan...mak ayah aku tak kasi aku kerja aq buat keputusan,aku nak krja masa degree nnti ..praktikal la tu mksudnya...
buat masa sekarang,duit poket sendiri aku aku cari melalui kerja sambilan sebagai crew mcd.
hek eleh mcd jer???
kepala lutut otak jambul ko mcd je...
bnyak kot moment yg aku dpt...........

nnti2 lah aku taip apa yg dpt.....
aku tgh malas lagi..haha (bgi sepuk kang)

dhhhhhh....aku kerja esokkkkk.........!!!!!!! smbung lgi.....masa trdekat . bye . ckp sorang2

I love art