Sufi Quotes

do u realize , i spent much on IG ,wechat , and facebook than this blog? 凸(¬‿¬)凸 . peace

Tuesday, 31 May 2016

Wish list life

Everyone have their own dreams , just list it for my reminder :))

Wishlist Food
Abalone ✔ ( xsedap langsung ,blergh)
Sushi ✔
dorayaki ✔ (dorayaki perasa blueberry xsedap)
udang galah
ulat sabah
Onigiri ✔
Every weird seafood
Dim sum
Keju mahal ✔(rasa pahit pahit keju)
Kek velvet ✔
sebakul strawberry manis
sekotak chocolate pelbagai jenama
Nasi Goreng cina
makanan cina
Kimchi asli korea
Japanese food
green tea cake
japan bread
dragon fruit
bbq food
steamboat food
cendawan mushitake

Wishlist activity

Daki gunung ✔
climbing wall
flying fox
bungae jump
sukan basikal lasak
berenang dgn ikan dolphin
pegang pengguin
pegang singa/harimau
naik kapal terbang
naik bot
bercuti di pulau
menetap di australia
main salji
main air di taman tema air yang tinggi ✔ (kota A famosa , nk try tmpt lain)

wishlist as partner

mekap kan teman lelaki
pakaikan dia produk skincare
do manicure nail on his hand
going fun fair together
main roller coaster together
main car race di litar lumba together
lepak semalaman dgn bergelandangan ✔
pergi pantai together
food hunter bersama
use his money to buy all my wishlist things
going travel together

wishlist for privacy

random be friends and being crazy together ✔
find best buddy that i can ask help one day ✔ 
randomly say hi to strangers ✔
shopping alone ✔ ( great day)
having fun alone
use all my money to buy mom and dad present
eat a lot without worries
make 10 painting a week after graduate
buy apple laptop
find a good own house , little but the deco in house is totally great
have my own cate , name bulat
rak collection beg tangan , baju dan kasut
ada laci khas untuk pelbagai perfume dan brg mekap
berani kiss kwn perempuan(which is i most afraid) ✔ ( bella n farah)
going to gym and get fit or kurangkan berat bdn
balas dendam kat semua ex yg xguna
cuba mcm2 cosplay comel ! ✔ ( baru 2!!??)

Saturday, 14 May 2016

Private Sector

So , good day isnt? what will i share for today ? do you know what is public sector and private sector ?okay this is to me is interesting , cause i once work in private sector . Here the things my experience with it , all the worker is most of them are little bit of Hipo , 

they love to crashing everyone , the enviroment also like, we have grouping of of clan of clash . 
And also we have miss universe that have beauty without of brain , and only use her charm to seduce the lion . mehh, the funny is the lion also know what is her intention .

Each of clans , were like urgh... you talking about her , her talking about you , you smile while you held the knife and she also held knife to kill you .

Im always in middle which between in both of clans were fighting and lovely , and my reaction on all this old ladies was like

sometimes i just wish to throw a shit to show my love expression , yeah bitch you deserve it , i love you like we will see you in hell

Because they are in generation of the old lady , so i cant in deep that much with their life . It because of , they are so pure like fuck it off ... they are too much way sensitive.

But sometimes , they are really good , they care each other but sometimes they just care for their own benefit .

So private sector is , good when they give us a lot of money , benefits... but we had to face the situations of this unforgotten moment . You want to life? better shut your mouth and clearly your ear.

In the future? i dont know yet ... but now i know what good for me
here this song , are what i keep as my true feeling when i work in private sector

Nice to meet you god of death
Shinigami appears before me
Wanna cleanse this world of sin
Hands me a book and I think
Oh my god, what is this page?
I'll make this earth a better place
I'll bring forth judgement day

How's it going? Name is Light
And it's my job now to mass delete
Almost funny how they all die
No idea it's because of me
So hey, I'll bring an end
Then like a god I will ascend
I take this pen within my hand
I can make the bad guys die over week's end

Make you burn in hell forever
I just gotta know your real name
Heart attack then it's over
Find a way to pass off the blame
Got a plan to forget this happened
They'll just think I'm insane
All of you are just my pieces
And I run the game

Boy that Kira's getting reckless
He's going way too far
We're gonna bring him to justice
No, I don't care how hard
Got a plan to forget this happened
They'll just think I'm insane
But I've got a blank page baby
I just need your name

Eating way too many sweets
Who's this new guy? No, I can't tell
Keeping anonymity
Says that we can just call him L
Find out what he needs
I get the feeling he can see
The man we're after is really me

Oh no
Scheming lying, pages torn,
I'll fill your plans up with twists and turns
Make you wish you're never born
I swear I'll make you burn
And I'll take this potato chip
Take some lives then I'll eat it
I'll learn that name and win this fight
Cause it will be a dark world without light

Make you burn in hell forever
I just gotta know your real name
Heart attack then it's over
Find a way to pass off the blame
Got a plan to forget this happened
They'll just think I'm insane
All of you are just my pieces
And I run the game

Boy that Kira's getting reckless
He's going way too far
We're gonna bring him to justice
No, I don't care how hard
Got a plan to forget this happened
They'll just think I'm insane
But I've got a blank page baby
I just need your name

Friday, 6 May 2016

lelaki dan hutang nya

''Zarith... aku ada benda nak bincang'' dipegangnya lengan baju aku
''apa ....'' aku dah tergoyang-goyang badan sambil buat muka xde perasaan

''aku dah ptus dengan pakwe aku , tpi mcmna aku nak suruh dia bayar hutang dia kat aku ??''
muka nya jernih je , tapi suara garang berbaur perli tu berselang seli . Ah sudah masalh dia ni , aku tak mampu sangat nak tolong

''Berapa ringgit diaa pinjam , kalau sikit ..halal je la'' cadang aku
''hmm 4 ribu...'' aku termanggu , terdiam ...bukan sebab jumlah yang kawan aku bg pinjam ni ataupun kebongokkan dia memberi pinjam hampir almost 4 ribu , sebab aku pun dalam situasi yang sama.

''selama 6 tahun kapel ngn dia , total dia hutang dengan aku 4 ribu...'' muka nya masih memandang , dan aku blur gitu je sambil angkat bahu...

''kau boleh peras ugut dia? ala garang garang je ngn ex au tu , kasar sikit bhasa'' tu je aku mampu cadangkan.

Dari sekolah , sifat kedekut aku ditanam , malah aku Anti Lelaki yang meminjam duit perempuan.Bagi aku mereka ni spesis paling hina , paling xpatut buat suami. Nah lepas 4 tahun , semua tu berubah , xdelah setinggi 4 k , namun menjangkau ribu lah .
Bukan sebab aku ni lemah dalam cinta atau pun bangang , tak pun...jujur aku la insan pling berkira dan pling kedekut nak mampus.

Satu benda aku belajar pasal diri aku ialah , aku boleh membaca masa depan mereka dgn sifat mereka. Aku percaya 98% dia ada good future nanti , tapi perlu di tekan sampai lah berjaya , bagi aku
duit boleh dicari sebenarnya , tak pelah, aku sangka baik, aku susah nanti dia ada tolong , tapi aq tak tahu mana silap aku , aku dan dia dalam keadaan sesak jugak pada msa yg sama . pertama kali jugak la aku tahan nafsu makan huahahah.

Kesabaran wanita diuji saat lelaki tiada apa2
keutuhan lelaki diuji saat dia mempunyai segalanya..

Pepatah ni , ada betulnya ...tapi aku pilih untuk percayakan dia . kalau dia dah senang , time tu aq mintak la hutang aq balik... dh setel hutang , kalau dia buat perangai , aku biarkan je... nanti jatuh cari aku , aku sarkastic psyco je balik .

Bagi lelaki diluar sana , kuat kan diri saat anda dalam kesusahan .ingati dan hargai org yg allah singgahkan untuk peneman kau . Kekal atau sementara , ada hikmah nya...
sok lusa dah senang , percayalah ..kau buat taik dgn xsengaja, jgn hraplah aku dapat hidup dgn bahagia -3-

haih ekonomi makin teruk .....
bila PM kita nak berganti ......
xoxo zss

I love art